Rendering with V-Ray Level 5: Exterior Daytime Case Study

  • 01:15:53
  • 14
  • Find out the recipe for setting-up a daytime, exterior rendering set within a realistic landscape.


    1. Start with a Good SketchUp Model 03:24
    2. Position Camera to set Composition 04:15
    3. Set-up Material Override to Preview Lighting 02:59
    4. Use a Background in SketchUp to help frame Composition 06:47
    5. Scale the Ground Plane 04:16
    6. Create V-Ray 3D Tree Proxies 11:07
    7. Adjust the Sun & Sky Lighting parameters 08:51
    8. Use the Dome Light for more realistic lighting 05:39
    9. Edit the Proxy Materials 04:50
    10. Add Render-ready Glass to the Windows 02:26
    11. Create 3D Grass with V-Ray Fur 04:25
    12. Export Base Rendering 04:32
    13. Set-up your Base Rendering in Photoshop 03:12
    14. Make Adjustments & Save your Final Rendering 09:10